Friday 29 January 2016

US Light Crude Oil (WTI Oil) Technical Analysis For Your Learning: 29 January 2016, Friday, 8.53am Singapore Time

US Light Crude Oil (WTI Oil) Technical Analysis For Your Learning: 
29 January 2016, Friday, 8.53am Singapore Time

Attached above is the hourly chart for US Light Crude Oil as well as my longs entry, stops placed and exit point.
I am taking partial profits (risk management), as intra-day sees some selling and today is Friday.

:: Related ::
Previous Crude Oil Analyses where I covered all my shorts and turned bullishness on oil rebound:

Above are the profits in ($) US Dollar (USD).
Below are the profits converted into (SD) Singapore Dollar (SGD).

Profits in this trade:
+S$ 36,118 SGD

S$ 158,859 + S$ 36,118
= + S$ 194,977 SGD

Trading Journal:

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