Wednesday 27 January 2016

EURUSD Technical Analysis For Your Learning: 27 January 2016, Wednesday, 1.12am Singapore Time


27 January 2016, Wednesday, 1.12am Singapore Time

Attached above is the hourly chart for EURUSD  as well as my shorts entry, stops placed and exit point.
I am cutting all my EURUSD Shorts positions now as index markets and US Stock Markets are rallying right now and EURUSD refused to be hammered down. It can even recover strongly in intraday chart after breaking down the trendline support in the hourly chart action as above. It is making me uncomfortable and so I am getting out of all EURUSD trades and removing my bearish view on EURUSD. I am neutral on EURUSD now and will be totally sidelined from this pair as a risk management (to minimize loss or any potential damage).

:: Related ::
Previous EURUSD Analyses:

Above are the losses in ($) US Dollar (USD).
Below are the losses converted into (SD) Singapore Dollar (SGD).

Losses in this trade:
-S$ 10,794 SGD

S$ 169,653 - S$ 10,794
= + S$ 158,859 SGD

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