Wednesday 20 January 2016

EURJPY Technical Analysis For Your Learning: 20 January 2016, Wednesday, 5.40pm Singapore Time

20 January 2016, Wednesday, 5.40pm Singapore Time

Attached above is the 4-hourly chart for EURJPY as well as my longs entry and exit.

Longed on support previously. Positions turned into good profits before it broke down the black band support and turned into losses. If it runs up, profits could be lucrative. Cutting all EURJPY trading longs now on the unexpected break as part of risk management.

Above are the losses in (¥) Japanese Yen (JPY).
Below are the losses converted into (SD) Singapore Dollar (SGD).

Losses in this trade:
 - S$ 14,710 SGD

S$ 102,183 - S$ 14,710
= + S$ 87,473 SGD

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