Tuesday 19 January 2016

China A50 Index Technical Analysis For Your Learning: 19 January 2016, Tuesday, 7.42am Singapore Time

China A50 Index : 
19 January 2016, Tuesday, 7.42am Singapore Time

Attached above is the 4-hourly chart for the China A50 Index.

Decided to exit the high-risk-high-reward counter-trend trade.
Tried to ride the intraday rebounds, but now decided to exit on intraday rebounds (intraday 4-hourly black support-turned-resistance) to reduce the risk now (risk management).

Above are the losses in ($) US Dollar (USD).
Below are the losses converted into (SD) Singapore Dollar (SGD).

Losses in this trade:
 - S$ 19,547 SGD

S$ 139,589 - S$ 19,547
= + S$ 120,042 SGD

Trading Journal:

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