Tuesday 9 June 2015

Trainees' Trades: 9 June 2015, Tuesday, 12.22am Singapore Time

Trainees' Trades: 9 June 2015, Tuesday, 12.22am Singapore Time

Trainee said she do not mind revealing one of the trades. So here you are.

See the technical set up as above.
It is a simple one: Buy a confirmed break-up of Reverse SHS.
Technically simple.

Trainee did longs/buys and shorts/sells across many other currencies as well, and in every trade she did, it was all sniper style precision, applying all of my rules of technical teachings. 

It is all about you and your success. 
Not about me or my success; I already achieved mine. 

Update: The above trades have further mushroomed into $567.78 in profits for the day.

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