Monday 8 June 2015

Trainees' Trades: 8 June 2015, Monday, 7.15am Singapore Time

Trainees' Trades: 8 June 2015, Monday, 7.15am Singapore Time

Trainee asked if he should take profits of his more than $600 profits of last Friday made in a single day after applying my teachings. I said go take one-third profits.

I will reveal what the trades are only after the trainee took all profits.

The above red circled region is where the shorts were established on resistances and the green circle is where one-third profits taken. 

The green-boxed profit-loss area is where the trade has potential to make it $1000 profit in 2 days (last friday and today).

The rate of spinning money by the trainees is still faster than how most people earn their money through working their daily jobs.

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