Monday 15 June 2015

Trainees' Trades: 15 June 2015, Monday, 11.06am Singapore Time

Jack took all profits now, after applying my teachings and rules:
Below is the 1-hourly chart view of NZDCHF

All profits taken:
refer above chart on locations to take profits

Trainees' Trade Records:

-------------------------------------Below is the 2-minute chart view of NZDCHF-------------------------------------------------------------

Trainees' Trades: 12 June 2015, Friday, 11.59pm Singapore Time

Attached above is trainee Jackson Yeo's trades applying my teachings. Congrats Jackson!
Jackson did not allow me to publish what trade it was, so I can only reveal what trade it is after he takes all profits. His position is small, but the profit level is lucrative.

Above is the technical analysis on why it was a great trade.

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