Tuesday 30 June 2015

Trades: 30 June 2015, Tuesday, 9.45am Singapore Time

Trades: 30 June 2015, Tuesday, 9.45am Singapore Time

From a graduate trainee who applied many of my teachings and traded only with discipline and without feelings.
He made $1034 SGD in just less than 12 hours overnight, using capital of $800. But he highly leveraged, something i strongly discouraged, unless one is senior graduate with experience. In this aspect, he has no discipline.

Another recent trainee graduate from Malaysia also applied my teachings, traded only the highly reliable lines which i taught and longed in the afternoon during Asian time the UK FTSE 100 Index at near bottom yesterday (based on 5min chart). He made more than $1000 USD in just a few hours. During the night, he took profits of the technical rebounds, again basing on reliable lines under my definitions.

Will reveal all this trainee's trades for your learning, but only after he takes all profits.

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