Friday 1 May 2015

VARD: 1 May 2015, Friday, 10.21am Singapore Time

The following is the follow-up analysis on VARD, in which VARD was judged as a buy on dip:

VARD: 1 May 2015, Friday, 10.21am Singapore Time

Attached above is the latest chart on VARD.

1. Vard will carry on its rebound to $0.80 area, which represents a more than +20% rebound upmove (albeit to be still classified as a short-mid term dead cat bounce within a long term downtrend)

2. Vard had experienced dry selling in end-March and early-April, followed with punt up buying in late April recently.

3. Orange Zone FFA: 
Worldwide Smart Monies are still holding weak and moderate longs for the last rebound.

4. Reversal candle back to immediate term bullishness for Vard (Brown Circled Region).

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