Thursday 7 May 2015

US Light Crude Oil (WTI Oil): 7 May 2015, Thursday, 6.35pm Singapore Time

US Light Crude Oil (WTI Oil): 7 May 2015, Thursday, 6.35pm Singapore Time

The above is the commodity CRUDE OIL trade.
Green box region is roughly where trainees accumulated their longs on CRUDE OIL this morning and early afternoon. 

Trainees accumulated commodity plays in the morning per my warnings, and just took profits now. Profits for this particular trainee, Shawn A., buying at 6148.5 ($61.485) and selling at around 6222.0 ($62.220) is just nice $300 SGD for the half-day, more than his daily income and more than most people's daily income. This is small money, of course, compared to the other trainees' profits every day. However, it is a good start for Shawn. Congrats to you and hope it boosts your confidence. Confidence is very important as it is halfway to success.

Forex, Indices, Commodities and Stocks: It is always easy to hit winners on the buying side as well as on the selling side. Bulls win, Bears win, only Pigs lose. Never be a pig on the wrong side of the markets or else one will be slaughtered like a pig for the meat and for even the internal organs.

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