Tuesday 19 May 2015

Trainees' Trades: 19 May 2015, Tuesday, 5.15pm Singapore Time

Trainees' Trades: 19 May 2015, Tuesday, 5.15pm Singapore Time

Attached above is the elegant chart with classy technical lines. Trainees had lots of nonsense lines initially when they alerted me to this potential trade after applying my rules; eventually the lines were cut down by me to the bare minimum, essential and important ones which markets out there are looking for price actions. Knowing how to spot important ones from the normal ones are very essential to success and separates the cream from the crop. This applies for all asset classes especially in stocks, equities, etc.

See how classy the trade is. Just 5 contracts from this trainee and she made more than $660 SGD in one day (4 candle hours actually).

Everyday make money. 

Side note:
See how this trade was executed before the major move came in the form of a grand slam down. Technical analysis chart attached for your learning. Who earns more than S$660 SGD a day slogging hard at work? Or who wants the boss, Mr Market, to reward you with a bonus every now and then while you are working your main income stream? Superb alternative skill set will make one's main income stream pale in comparison. This is the unfairness of life, fortunately.

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