Thursday 14 May 2015

Trades: 14 May 2015, Thursday, 4.01pm Singapore Time

Trades: 14 May 2015, Thursday, 4.01pm Singapore Time

This trade's technical set-up and trainee's application of my trading rules was also personally supervised by me. After he spotted the set up and the set-up checked by me, he executed his shorting orders.

He is not taking profits, so I won't be revealing what trade he got into. Only after taking his profits, maybe only then I will share his full details of the trade.

My joy is that it is all their own analyses after applying my teachings and rules. This is called knowing how to chart Big Hands' lines, henceforth knowing how to fish and not blind gambling on scanning and guessing which candlesticks will appear next, next next and the next next next.

This is how professionals make money every day, every week, every month and every year. Minimal risk, maximum results. And sleeping soundly at night.

Congrats, Keith Hui.
You made your mentor proud.

(Latest as of 4.48pm after this original post above):
Trainee Keith's profits further spiked up again. 
I am pleased to share the joy. This is the positive energy of the elite group.

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