Thursday 14 May 2015

Trades: 14 May 2015, Thursday, 10.44pm Singapore Time

Trades: 14 May 2015, Thursday, 10.44pm Singapore Time

At night cafe again. 
From one of the trainees, Desmond. It's a EURAUD trade.
Somehow, Desmond loves night sessions, and likes to invite me over to treat me.
He used merely $150 put in to win $144 with low risk and eyes closed.
Tonight's supper and drinks are all free, courtesy of Mr Market.
Seems like New Zealand and Australia loves Desmond. 
$144 SGD in just around 2 hours playing just 3 small contracts for Desmond. 
It's just so easy to fish some money from the market, like ATM Machine.
Well done, Desmond.

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