Wednesday 13 May 2015

Trades: 13 May 2015, Wednesday, 11.07pm Singapore Time


Desmond just took profits of all NZDUSD trade. 
A few of us, mentor and trainees, are chilling with out at a late night cafe. 
Congrats to Desmond. 

Your pay for today is $100USD per hour, courtesy of Mr Market.

Trades: 13 May 2015, Wednesday, 11.07pm Singapore Time

Read the chart above to learn more.


Trades: 13 May 2015, Wednesday, 6.30pm Singapore Time

This is another trainee's trade. 
This trade was personally supervised by me after Desmond Tan, the trainee, drew his charts. 
After he charted his lines and checked by me, he executed his buy orders.

He is not taking profits yet, so I won't be revealing what trade he got into. However, Desmond and some of the guys made minimum $579 SGD for today. Just one day. It is all their own analyses after applying my teachings, not my analysis; I merely used eye power to supervise the charted technical analysis lines drawn by them. One thing I like about Desmond is that he is independent. He learns what I teach, applies them as much as he can, and he works hard at his charts and just lets me see and comment. This is true fishing. And the fishing aim for these guys are achieved as well: earning several hundred every day or at least $1,000 a week, or several thousand SGD dollars every month.

All these earnings are not to be snowballed, but to be used as free money to put into safe dividend-yielding assets or in fixed deposits, to store as build-up of warchest to buy firesale stocks when everyone loses big time from bear markets in stocks.
These patient people will have a warchest of bullets to spray by then.

It is always about you and your successes. 
Not about mine. Because I already achieved my success from advanced technical analysis long ago. I merely help those who help themselves and have the right attitude.

Congrats, Desmond.

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