Tuesday 28 April 2015

AUDUSD (Australian Dollar), Commodities and Commodity Stocks Analysis: 28 April 2015

AUDUSD (Australian Dollar), Commodities and Commodity Stocks Analysis: 28 April 2015

Australian Dollar, the weakest of the commodities currencies, will rally to this region:
0.85443-0.88492 Band. 

This will further spur rallies in commodities and inflict a major dead cat bounce (escape wave) for all commodities and commodity stocks.

Now, remember my fore-warnings of the past few weeks that commodity currencies, commodities and commodity stocks will have major escape wave rebounds while USD to undergo healthy correction down? This is happening now.

This final correction, a healthy one, in the USD will be the ONE FINAL CONFIRMATION for the WORLDWIDE BEAR MARKET in stocks and equities markets, while stocks and equities will have one final distribution (pump and distribute). 
In weak markets/stocks, it will just merely backtest long term critical support-turned-resistances. Do not love your stocks, and this is one final chance to get out for investors who were stuck.

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