Sunday 22 March 2015

Starhub: 22 March 2015, Sunday, 1.28am Singapore Time

Starhub: 22 March 2015, Sunday, 1.28am Singapore Time
Chart courtesy of

Attached above is the Technical Analysis of Starhub that is listed in the Singapore Stocks Market of SGX.

The ORANGE BOX region is my end-2013 and early-2014 Worldwide Funds Flow Analysis Warnings of a Bear Market Transition to happen in 2014 and to get out of all stocks and equities.

This stock has proceeded to execute the bearish fake break-up after my warnings.
The full transition process is shown in chart above.

Being under the strong stock category, the stock may do some dead cat rebound before transiting to long term down-move. However, when the RED LINE SUPPORT breaks, it is a sell signal.

Donovan Norfolk's take is that RED LINE SUPPORT will break down this year.

Refer to the below Donovan Norfolk Distribution Table:

The order of how individual stocks will transit into their individual bear markets respectively

While Long Term Major Top starts to form in indices worldwide, the following is the order of how individual stocks will transit into their individual bear market respectively:

1. Weakest stocks (2.27% of the entire broad market) will start to transit into their bear markets in 2012, making it 2.27% of the entire broad markets in bear market (market indices to still make highs). 

2. Weaker stocks (the next 13.59% of the broad market) will start to transit into their bear markets in 2013, making it 2.27%+13.59%=15.86% of the entire broad markets in bear market (market indices to still make new highs but with deceleration). 

3. Weak stocks (the next 34.13% of the broad market) will start to transit into their bear markets in 2014, making it 15.86%+34.13%=49.99% of the entire broad markets in bear market (market indices to consolidate and to start to peak out)

4. Strong stocks (the next 34.13% of the broad market) will start to transit into their bear markets in 2015, making it 49.99%+34.13%=84.12% of the entire broad markets in bear market (market indices to peak out and start to go downtrend)

5. The stronger and the strongest stocks (the remaining 15.88% of the broad market) will transit into their bear markets in 2016 onwards, making it 84.12%+15.88%=100% of the entire broad markets in bear market (market indices in bear market).

Starhub belongs to phase 4.

Donovan Norfolk Technical Rating:

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