Sunday 8 February 2015

Global Logistics Properties (GLP): 8 February 2015, Sunday, 10.17am Singapore Time

Global Logistics Properties (GLP):  8 February 2015, Sunday, 10.17am Singapore Time
Chart courtesy of

Attached above is the daily chart of Global Logistics Properties (GLP).
Global Logistics Properties has just achieved a BEAR MARKET CONFIRMATION in the 3rd orange circle point where it could not rally on the backdrop of a maximum FFA of +10.000 recently.

This stock is a must-get-out.
Technical Price Structure is bearish.
Distribution from 2012 to end of 2014 has been completed.
The distribution was done using the double blue trendlines as support. The majority of public had been on the buy side while the smart monies are on the sell side based on technicals above.

The red boxed region is also where my warnings of transition to bear market came. 

Additional Note on Fundamental Analysis of Global Logistics Properties:

CIMB called for "ADD" with target at 3.30, based on sum-of-its-parts valuation. EPS at 6 cts SGD and 100% payout via dividend. Fundamentally, Global Logistics Properties PE is at 41 times which is very high, and dropping back by half should be a reasonable movement. Assuming Earnings remaining the same, then Price has to drop by half in the P/E ratio to yield a norm of 20.5. If Earnings in the P/E formula drops due to deteriorating property market, then Price has to drop more than -50% in order for the P/E ratio to pull back to the norm.

So a conservative target price will be $1.30,
an all time new low for Global Logistics Properties is awaiting.
Those who are holding or buying on dips before the target even nears will look very silly.

Donovan Norfolk Ang Technical Rating:
(Short/Sell/Unload on any market gracious rebound)

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