Sunday 18 January 2015

India CNX Realty: 18 January 2015, Sunday, 1.17pm Singapore Time

India CNX Realty: 18 January 2015, Sunday, 1.17pm Singapore Time
Chart courtesy of

Attached above is the technical analysis of India Property Markets. 
The above chart is the guiding principle for shorting all India Property Stocks and Financial Sector.

S1, S2, S3 and S4 above forms the basis for future Bear Market Confirmations. 

The Bear Market Confirmations at R1, R2 and R3 threw confusion into India markets and drew in many investors on the wrong side of the market.

The market in India resumed its bearish selling and long term downtrend.
Properties and property stocks in India will remain entrenched in a LONG TERM BEAR MARKET guided by the big blue channel as illustrated in the above chart. This channel has chance to further break down for accelerated sell-down since there is consolidation within the BROWN symmetrical triangle from 3Q-2014 to 1Q-2015.

Donovan Norfolk Technical Rating:

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