Tuesday 16 December 2014

China A50 Index: 16 December 2014, Tuesday, 11.06pm Singapore Time

China A50 Index: 16 December 2014, Tuesday, 11.06pm Singapore Time

China markets (China SSE Index and China A50 Index) may be speculated upwards during this time.
Based on 5 minute chart, this rally will continue until 11900 points daily chart price satisfaction point is achieved in China A50.

Turn shorts on China A50 Index when the dead cat bounce ends at 11900 points area possibly in early January 2015.

China's dead cat bounce will end around 11900 points on China A50 Index. 

Sell, unload and SHORT China SSE index, China A50 index and China stocks when this dead cat bounce ends around 11900 points on China A50 Index.

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