Monday 2 June 2014

CDL Hospitality Trust: 2 June 2014, Monday, 12.17am Singapore Time

CDL Hospitality Trust: 2 June 2014, Monday, 12.17am Singapore Time
Chart courtesy of

+ End of Bull Market in CDL HTrust had a high volume break-down in October-November 2012, a time when I had warned of Property transiting to Bear Market with my live analyses in October 2012.

+ This followed with an escape wave to form a strong double top (Bearish).

+ End of Bull Market in CDL HTrust received another high volume break-down in May 2013 to signal a double confirmation to the end of Bull Market for  CDL HTrust.

+ Intentions made known by market: Short on rebounds and never be buying counter-trend for rebounds as the reward-risk ratio is bad (major wave down, corrective wave up).

CDL Hospitality Trust: 2 June 2014, Monday, 12.17am Singapore Time
Chart courtesy of

+ CDL Hospitality Trust (CDL HTrust) displayed large major main-trend impulsive wave in RED. 

+ Counter-trend slow corrective wave is in GREEN. 

+ The correction up has ended with a price satisfaction zone at $1.84, and major selling wave is taking over. 

+ May 2014 price actions form strong BEAR FLAG. Amateurs meanwhile will be buying into this bear flag which is essentially a trap for amateurs. Markets have been waiting to kill amateur buyers. 

+ Bear Flag is ending its consolidation and resuming its main wave major trend as indicated by the RED ARROW. 

+ More supports will get broken down as shown by the RED ARROW.

+ Multi-year lows will be created with this down-slam. 

+ $1.47 will be broken down convincingly

+ REITS investors and property stocks investors will suffer yet more losses, a warning reiterated since October 2012.

Donovan Norfolk Ang Technical Rating:
Short/Sell off
(Bearish in all Property Sector Stocks As Per Reiterated)

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