Tuesday 20 May 2014

Figtree: 20 May 2014, Tuesday, 10.58pm Singapore Time

Figtree: 20 May 2014, Tuesday, 10.58pm Singapore Time
Chart courtesy of Chartnexus.com

Attached above is the chart of Figtree.

+ Warning 1 Price Rejection 1 with high volume as above chart.
+ Warning 2 Price Rejection 2 was a double confirmation to get out. Stay at own's perils.
+ Warning 3 Market Rejection 3 actions is even stronger; gives no more chance for those who likes to invest on hope.
+ Clear intentions has been shown by the market: 21.8 cents will get tested and has very high probability of being broken down comprehensively.
+ This is how wealth gets transferred: from the losers to the winners who knows this bearishness way beforehand.
+ Maximum +10.000 FFA is completing and U-turning and this had been the best performance that Figtree stock can offer. When market gets resumption in sell-off, it is not hard to imagine how Figtree may perform.
+ Resumption of sell-off will now proceed to do further damage..
+ A new multi-year low is awaiting Figtree now. This is no different from all the other stocks and equities which I had pre-warned about: using market index strength as disguise to sell off the non-index stocks.
+ Only fools'money are constantly looking for stocks and equities to buy when risks of downside always outweigh any upsides as previously warned; this is something that has been repeatedly warned for the past 6 months with my daily FFA Analysis.

Donovan Norfolk Ang Technical Rating:
Short/Sell off

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