Thursday 5 December 2013

Funds Flow Analysis (FFA): 5 December 2013, Thursday, 5.05pm Singapore Time

Current Latest Computed Funds Flow Analysis (FFA):
For Worldwide Financial Markets:
5 December 2013, Thursday, 5.05pm Singapore Time
The Donovan Norfolk Ang Funds Flow Analysis Indicator 
for Worldwide Financial Markets 
5 December 2013, Thursday

Broad Markets / Big Markets / Big Wind Directions

European markets are in the first 1 hour 05 minutes of trading, while US markets (Dow, S&P500 and NASDAQ) are 5 hours 25 minutes away from the opening bell. 

Based on current latest computational results, Holdings Index Strength of Big Hands changed from -10.000 to -10.000 (MAXIMUM) in strength on the Donovan Norfolk Funds Flow Index OscillatorOn the other front, Big Hands' Puts Holdings on hand changed from -2.590 to -3.429 in strength on the Donovan Norfolk Funds Flow Index Oscillator. 

Broad/Big Market (Big Wind Direction) Short-Term / Mid-Term Posture by Big Hands:

+ As per warned in November, Big Hands had set up price actions for the month of November of 2013 for their shorting.
+ The price actions sucked in many retailers/investors into late longs/late buys.
+ Retailers, who are often wrong, are trapped in their buys and longs now.
+ Max Shorts maintained by Big Hands, Smart Monies and Market Movers.
+ Today marks the 4th consecutive day of re-piling up of Bearish Puts by Big Hands, Smart Monies and Market Movers.
+ Big Hands/Smart Money worldwide are still shorts-biased for worldwide sell off correction.
+ Short-mid term outlook: Big Hands and Smart Money worldwide are still setting up for the short-mid term sell-offs worldwide, and the correctional sell-downs have not ended yet (still in progress).
+ Time frame of correction intention has been changed from short-term correctional sell-off to mid-term correctional sell-off, as per alerted in November since the expected dark clouds refused to rain in November and instead stored for the larger dark clouds.
+ Short-mid Term Corrections worldwide have not ended as per reiterated. This is despite any immediate term rebounds whose main purpose will be to confuse market participants worldwide, give hopium to wrong longs/buyers, and to trigger weak short holders' stops.
EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, Swiss France, Canadian Dollar, AUDUSD and NZDUSD to resume correction down again as per warned past 2 weeks. 
+Short-mid term selling climax is still to be expected. Note that if the attempted -10.000 maximum shorts cannot bring about a sell-down climax, the long term outlook for world international financial markets will reverse into a long term bull market.
+ International Financial Markets worldwide are officially entering into critical stage from November 2013 till early 2014.
+ Some protections and cautions are still warranted if one is late longs in Stocks, Equities, Indices, Commodities, Forex: EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, NZDUSD, CANADIAN DOLLAR CAD, SWISS FRANC CHF AND JAPANESE YEN JPY, Gold, Silver, Crude Palm Oil and Crude Oil. 

Refer to some Technicals charted 2 December 2013:

+ The following are the UPDATED short term sell-off correction targets as per reiterated since 5 weeks ago:

(you might like to refer to the accompanying detailed analysis links attached too):

1. Malaysian FKLI: 
1,790 points and a whipsaw just below 1790 points as first target. ---> TARGET HIT ON 12 NOV 2013
breakdown of 1780 points as second target  ---> TARGET HIT ON 13 NOV 2013
1776 points as third target
breakdown of 1776 points as forth target

2. Hong Kong Hang Seng Index: 
22,770 points as first target ---> TARGET HIT ON 8 NOV 2013
21604.4 points as third target

3. India NIFTY Index:
6001 points as first target ---> FIRST TARGET HIT ON 21 NOV 2013

4. UK FTSE100: 
6500-6550 points ---> TARGET HIT ON 3 DEC 2013

5. Germany DAX: 
8700-8750 points

8. US NASDAQ Composite: 
3700 points

2930-2950 points

10. Dow Jones Industrial Index (DJIA):
14750 points as first target
breakdown of 14750 points as second target

11. EURUSD: 
1.34000 ---> TARGET HIT ON 7 NOV 2013 
12. GBPUSD: 
1.59000 as first target ---> TARGET HIT TWICE IN NOV 2013
1.57000-1.57500 as second target

13. NZDUSD: 
0.81000 ---> TARGET HIT TODAY 29 NOV 2013

14. AUD, NZD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CAD, CHF will generally be weak until the corrections end. 

15. Euronext Brussels Bel20 Index:
2740-2780 points as first target
2600-2632 points as second target

+ Below are the much larger mid-term upwave targets that still hold:

+ Financial Markets, Commodities Markets, Oil, Gold, Silver and Forex markets (EURUSD, GBPUSD, Swiss Franc, Japanese Yen, Canadian Dollar, AUDUSD, NZDUSD) are still expected to have some more upside against the US Dollar, and this upside is expected to be healthy until I turn big reversal.

+ Expectations are still unchanged: FCPO 3000RM as target, Gold $1500-$1550 as first target and $1750-$1800 as second target, Silver $30.000 as target, Golden Agri (Palm Oil Stock) S$0.60 as 1st target and S$0.74 as 2nd target, AUDUSD $0.96 as first target and $1.00 parity as 2nd target, USDJPY ¥83.54-¥84.00 as final target, India CNX Nifty Index 6188-6320 as up-move target and break-out of 6320 points for uncharted rally as second target, and Oil $118.00-$120.00 as tentative target, FKLI 1900 points as target, or until I turn big reversal.

+ Special Note: 
Each of the respective asset class markets (Gold, Silver, Crude Oil, Palm Oil, Commodities, Forex, Stocks and Worldwide Stock Market Indices) have moved in my directions since.

+ So far, only Indian Nifty Index, AUDUSD has hit initial targets as above listed. 
+ More upsides in worldwide financial markets (Stocks, Equities, Indices, Commodities, Forex: EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, NZDUSD, CANADIAN DOLLAR CAD, SWISS FRANC CHF AND JAPANESE YEN JPY, Gold, Silver, Crude Palm Oil and Crude Oil)  are still expected after this short term correction selldown (refer past analyses).
+ Japan's QE effects are wearing out, Nikkei-225 may become the weakest link of international financial markets when the rising tide ends.

Broad/Big Market (Big Wind Direction) Long Term Outlook by Big Hands:

The depth of this anticipated short-mid term sell off will reveal clearer skies and whether previous long term outlook still hold.

Donovan Big Hands Funds Flow Computational Oscillator

Donovan's Funds Flow Analysis Index Oscillator:
-10 ----- 0 ------+10
Donovan's Funds Flow Analysis Strength-Index Scale Key:
negative (-ve) = shorting;
positive (+ve) = longing;
0: No shorts and no longs (direction-less)
1-2: Weak strength / weak holdings
3-4: Moderate strength / moderate holdings
5-6: Strong strength / high holdings
7-8:Very strong strength / very high holdings
9-10:: Rally Mode in store if +ve / Plunging Mode in store if -ve

Implication of Broad Markets/Big Markets/Big Wind Indices Directions
If it is a rising tide in Index Big Wind, most or almost all stock boats generally rise;
If it is a receding tide in Index Big Wind, most or almost all stock boats generally go lower.
Hence the importance of Big Wind Directions blown by Big Hands.

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