Tuesday 22 October 2013

Funds Flow Analysis (FFA): 22 October 2013, Tuesday, 2.40pm Singapore Time

Current Latest Computed Funds Flow Analysis (FFA):
For Worldwide Financial Markets:
22 October 2013, Tuesday, 2.40pm Singapore Time

The Donovan Norfolk Ang Funds Flow Analysis Indicator 
for Worldwide Financial Markets 
22 October 2013, Tuesday

Broad Markets / Big Markets / Big Wind Directions

European markets are 20 minutes away from opening for trading, while US markets (Dow, S&P500 and NASDAQ) are 6 hours 50 minutes away from opening for trading. 

Based on current latest computational results, Holdings Index Strength of Big Hands changed from -1.535 to +1.571 in strength on the Donovan Norfolk Funds Flow Index OscillatorOn the other front, Big Hands' Puts holdings on hand changed from -0.915 to -1.186 in strength on the Donovan Norfolk Funds Flow Index Oscillator. 

Broad/Big Market (Big Wind Direction) Immediate-Term/Short-Term Posture by Big Hands:

+ As expected, the immediate term few days correction came just right after yesterday's analysis post.
+ Weak bulls got shaken out in overnight trading in US as well as today day time trading in Asia, and may continue to be shaken out in early European trading later.
+ Big Hands have take all profits of yesterday's immediate-term shorts, intended to create smoke screen, and they had flipped by buying big in longs today.
+ Big Hands are large Longs/Buys today, flipping from shorts holdings to longs holdings now.
+ Big Hands added slight puts for small protections.
+ Immediate term correction of a few days in the financial markets (stocks and indices) which was mentioned yesterday came and may be ending soon, possibly later when US Markets open; such is the bullishness of this worldwide financial markets on a slew of pessimism which is essentially good and healthy.
+ Up-drive rally's correction may be ending soon. (Creation of shake-outs against weak longs holders and complacent bulls to end soon).
+ International financial markets worldwide (Stocks, Equities, Indices, Commodities, Forex: EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, NZDUSD, CANADIAN DOLLAR CAD, SWISS FRANC CHF AND JAPANESE YEN JPY, Gold, Silver, Crude Palm Oil and Crude Oil) will all carry on to make powerful rallying rebounds as warned since end August 2013.
+ Note: All previous mid-term rebound targets still remain as of current FFA-Action Judgement.

+ Below are mid-term targets that still hold:

+ Financial Markets, Commodities Markets, Oil, Gold, Silver and Forex markets (AUD, EUR, CAD, GBP, NZD, CHF etc) are still expected to have some more upside against the US Dollar, and this upside is expected to be healthy until I turn reversal.

+ Expectations are still unchanged: FCPO 3000RM as target, Gold $1500-$1550 as first target and $1750-$1800 as second target, Silver $30.00 as target, Golden Agri (Palm Oil Stock) S$0.60 as 1st target and S$0.74 as 2nd target, AUDUSD $0.96 as first target and $1.00 parity as 2nd target, USDJPY ¥83.54-¥84.00 as final target, India CNX Nifty Index 6188-6320 as up-move target, and Oil $118.00-$120.00 as tentative target, or until I turn reversal.

+ And the ULTIMATE BIG TARGETStocks Worldwide and across the international boards to rally on every overbought and on top of public disbelief. 

+ Emerging Markets, Asia and Peripheral European Markets are expected to outperform: Risk-on Rallies worldwide still expected together with Gold, Silver and Commodities, and will continue up-move until I turn reversal.

+ Note: 
The respective asset class' markets (Gold, Silver, Crude Oil, Palm Oil, Commodities, Forex, Stocks and Worldwide Stock Market Indices) have moved in my directions since.

Summary as below:
* Rally expected in Crude Palm Oil, Crude Palm Oil stocks, Commodities, Gold, Silver.
* Corn will rebound to the targets for shorting as per mentioned previously: http://donovan-ang.blogspot.sg/search/label/Corn
* Strength still expected in AUDUSD.
* Strength still expected in EURUSD.
USDJPY expected to be bearish.
* Technical Rebounds expected in weak currencies such as Ringgit, Rupiah, SGD, Philippines Peso, Indian Rupee, Korean Won, HKD, Thai Baht, Russian Ruble, Middle-East currencies and currencies that were hammered in August 2013.
Canadian Dollar, Brazilian Real and Australian Dollar make good buy-on-dips.
* World Markets to continue pushing up for Technical Rebounds when everyone is shorting and judging that we are at peak currently.

+ All major indices worldwide will continue to rally until I turn bearish.
+ This super rally will burn all LATE SHORTS out there who to tried to beat the markets in judging that markets were toppish, peakish or bearish on a series of bad news line-ups (War, Government Shut-down, Poor economic data, Debt Ceiling Failure).

Broad/Big Market (Big Wind Direction) Long Term Outlook by Big Hands:

+ Weak markets (e.g. Philippines, India, Korea etc) had entered into Bear Market Zones at high points previously.
+ Strong markets (e.g. US, Singapore, Germany, etc) had held on to critical supports temporarily and will attempt to bounce off these critical supports; these critical supports will get tested repeatedly (their critical supports are still being tested currently).
+ US markets (DJIA, S&P500 and NASDAQ) will go on to make all time new highs while all other markets are still in support-turned-resistance testing modes.
+ Rebounds of emerging economies will merely be dead cat bounces.

In essence, there will be 3 groups of BIG MARKET MOVEMENTS from now:

1st Group (Weak Markets): 

Weak markets such as Korea KOSPI , Philippines, Indonesia, Spain IBEX etc.
These markets already broke down critical supports which denote initial bear market stage; these will do dead cat bouncing back-tests (falling knife dead cat rebounds). 
Sell on rebounds.

2nd group (Mid-strength Markets): 

Singapore STI, Hong Kong HSI, UK FTSE100, France CAC, Italy MIB, Spain etc
These markets will rebound off critical supports now (STI 2925-3065 pts, HSI 19000-19500 pts, FTSE-UK 5900-6000 pts as analysed previously), with no breakdowns yet. Refer to all past technical analyses.
Ride, observe and be cautiously ready to sell.

3rd grp (Strong Markets): 

US Markets of S&P500, DJIA and NASDAQ, German DAX as well as Malaysian KLCI
These markets may hover at all time new highs and throw a big array of confusions to traders, investors and analysts. While US hover around all time new highs, weak markets' rebounds will confirm bear market and mid-strength markets may transit to bear market phase in this rebound.
Ride and observe and be cautious.

Donovan Big Hands Funds Flow Computational Oscillator

Donovan's Funds Flow Analysis Index Oscillator:
-10 ----- 0 ------+10
Donovan's Funds Flow Analysis Strength-Index Scale Key:
negative (-ve) = shorting;
positive (+ve) = longing;
0: No shorts and no longs (direction-less)
1-2: Weak strength / weak holdings
3-4: Moderate strength / moderate holdings
5-6: Strong strength / high holdings
7-8:Very strong strength / very high holdings
9-10:: Rally Mode in store if +ve / Plunging Mode in store if -ve

Implication of Broad Markets/Big Markets/Big Wind Indices Directions
If it is a rising tide in Index Big Wind, most or almost all stock boats generally rise;
If it is a receding tide in Index Big Wind, most or almost all stock boats generally go lower.
Hence the importance of Big Wind Directions blown by Big Hands.