Monday 28 October 2013

FKLI Index: 28 October 2013, Monday, 7.10pm Singapore Time

FKLI Index: 28 October 2013, Monday, 7.10pm Singapore Time

Attached above is the FKLI Chart. Reiterated short-term short on FKLI every few hours since last Friday and today.

With reference to the above: when the Moon and Sun appears together to give a Rain, it's an ill omen for immediate term sell-down correction. DAX Index, together with DNA Funds Flow Analysis, already had the signs.

Per reiterated since last Friday warning of an immediate term sell-down in Malaysia, the above are all the 4 points of shorts by me since last Friday 25 October 2013 to today Monday 28 October 2013. Note that these shorts are aggressive short-term shorts within a mid-term relief up-wave.

You may like to refer to all my previous high accuracy FKLI analysis, including all longs and all shorts, in the link below.

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