Friday 4 October 2013

FKLI: 4 October 2013, Friday, 9.17am Singapore Time

FKLI: 4 October 2013, Friday, 9.17am Singapore Time

The above is a classic example of what I had reiterated on every day for the past several weeks.

Malaysia, being one of the strongest in the world, will be the first to achieve the Super Rally; this will be followed by Super Rally in Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. 

When China re-opens next week, China SSE, Taiwan TWII and Hong Kong HSI will follow through. Singapore will also follow with a rally after that, together with Korean KOSPI. Russian RTS will resume its Super Rally before East Asia does so.

Europe (FTSE100, DAX, CAC, IBEX, FTSE-MIB, STOXX50 ) will re-warm its engine and move up again to every European's disbelief.

US and Japan will be the last to heat up their engine in this rising tide that lifts all boats (Stocks, Commodities, Oil, Palm Oil, Gold and Silver). Rising tide will also lift all those weak markets such as the India SENSEX.

Forex markets will react as per analysed for the past many weeks.
(Refer back to my full in depth analyses for European Currencies and Asian Currencies with respect to US Dollar)

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