Friday 27 September 2013

US Debt Ceiling Fiasco: A Logic

US Debt Ceiling Fiasco

This entire US Debt Ceiling Fiasco: whether the results turn out to be good or bad means just one thing---> USD sell-down.

If the debt ceiling passes, it means the US government needs to borrow more money from FED to spend; this means more money will continuously be released out to the main street and more debts are accumulated. This puts downwards pressure on USD.

If the debt ceiling does not pass, it will result in a loss of confidence to US and its financial markets; the USD will then have a double-effort selling spree if this happens.

Worldwide International Financial Markets are bullish-biased on a bearish USD for the short-mid term.
Australian Dollar, Brazilian Real, Canadian Dollar, Palm Oil, Silver, Gold, Commodities and Commodities Stocks to be Bullish.

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