Wednesday 10 July 2013

Funds Flow Analysis (FFA): 10 July 2013, Wednesday, 3.10pm Singapore Time

Current Latest Computed Funds Flow Analysis (FFA):
For Worldwide Financial Markets:
10 July 2013, Wednesday, 3.10pm Singapore Time

Computed FFA For Worldwide Financial Markets

Broad Markets / Big Markets / Big Wind Directions

European markets are in the first 10 minutes of trading while US markets (Dow, S&P500 and NASDAQ) are 6 hours 20 minutes away from opening. 

Based on current latest computational results, Holdings Index Strength of Big Hands changed from +0.229 to +2.953 in strength on the Donovan Norfolk Funds Flow Index OscillatorBig Hands' Puts Holdings changed from -9.021 to -8.861 in strength on the Donovan Norfolk Funds Flow Index Oscillator. 

Broad/Big Market (Big Wind Direction) Immediate-Term/Short-Term Posture by Big Hands:

+ Big Hands' main Short Term holdings have transited from Shorts into Longs.
+ However, Big Hands are still protecting against any immediate term downside.
+ Hence any Longs are cautious Longs currently.
+ Bottoming is in place in worldwide financial markets for Short Term Rebounds.

Broad/Big Market (Big Wind Direction) Mid-Long Term Outlook by Big Hands:

+ Many international markets will be testing bear-bull boundaries.
+ Weak markets (e.g. Philippines, India, Korea etc) are already entering into Bear Market Zones at high points.
+ Strong markets (e.g. US, Singapore, Germany, etc) had held on too the supports temporarily and will attempt to bounce off these critical supports that will get tested repeatedly (their critical supports are being tested currently).
+ US markets (DJIA, S&P500 and NASDAQ) will go on to make all time new highs while all other markets are in precarious modes.
+ Emerging economies will make merely dead cat bounces.

In essence, there will be 3 groups of BIG MARKET MOVEMENTS from now:

1st Group (Weak Markets): 
Weak markets such as Korea, Philippines, Indonesia, Spain etc.
These markets already broke down critical supports which denote initial bear market stage; these will do dead cat bouncing back-tests (falling knife dead cat rebounds). 
Sell on rebounds.

2nd group (Mid-strength Markets): 

Singapore, Hong Kong, UK, France, etc
These markets will rebound off critical supports now (STI 2925-3065 pts, HSI 19000-19500 pts, FTSE-UK 5900-600 pts all analysed previously), with no breakdowns yet. Refer to all past technical analyses.
Ride, observe and be cautiously ready to sell.

3rd grp (Strong Markets): 

US Markets of S&P500, DJIA and NASDAQ.
These markets will make all time new highs and throw a big array of confusions to traders, investors and analysts. While US will go on to make all time new highs, weak markets' rebounds will confirm bear market and mid-strength markets may transit to bear market phase in this rebound.
Ride and observe and be cautious.

Donovan Big Hands Funds Flow Computational Oscillator

Donovan's Funds Flow Analysis Index Oscillator:
-10 ----- 0 ------+10
Donovan's Funds Flow Analysis Strength-Index Scale Key:
negative (-ve) = shorting;
positive (+ve) = longing;
0: No shorts and no longs (direction-less)
1-2: Weak strength / weak holdings
3-4: Moderate strength / moderate holdings
5-6: Strong strength / high holdings
7-8:Very strong strength / very high holdings
9-10:: Rally Mode in store if +ve / Plunging Mode in store if -ve

Implication of Broad Markets/Big Markets/Big Wind Indices Directions
If it is a rising tide in Index Big Wind, most or almost all stock boats generally rise;
If it is a receding tide in Index Big Wind, most or almost all stock boats generally go lower.
Hence the importance of Big Wind Directions blown by Big Hands.

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