Wednesday 10 April 2013

Funds Flow Analysis (FFA): 10 April 2013, Wednesday, 4.00pm Singapore Time

Current Latest Computed Funds Flow Analysis (FFA)
For Worldwide Financial Markets:
10 April 2013, Wednesday, 4.00pm Singapore Time

Broad Markets / Big Markets / Big Wind Directions

Based on current latest computational results, Holdings Index Strength of Big Hands changed from -5.903 to -5.322 in strength on the Donovan Funds Flow Index OscillatorBig Hands' Puts changed from -2.512 to -2.050 in strength on the Donovan Funds Flow Index Oscillator. 

Broad/Big Market (Big Wind Direction) Immediate-Term/Short-Term Posture by Big Hands:

+ Short term correction
+ Late shorts get further nasty losses again during this immediate term rebound of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday which was as per warned on last Friday about this immediate term rebound.

Broad/Big Market (Big Wind Direction) Mid-Long Term Outlook by Big Hands:

+ There are beliefs out there that 2013 will be a bear market or economic collapse of some major Western economies such as US (DJIA. S&P500 and NASDAQ); in my analyses, generally 2013 will, on the contrary, be a strong bull due to my FFA and TA.
+ We are currently not in any bear market.
+ Mid-long-term remains a buy on dip for investment purposes in 2013 as markets in Europe and Asia have negated bear market technical structures as mentioned last year 2012.
+ Long term funds are still buying/investing.
+ Short term and immediate term shorts/sells/profit-takings by traders represent entry/re-entry opportunities for longer term investors (i.e. buy on retracement dips).
+ Short term shake-outs on weak holders, or retailers with high leverage and no holding power, represent golden chance to buy on dips cheaply.
+ As highlighted previously, by 2Q/3Q 2013, many markets (except PIIGS) will make new bull market highs since 2009 financial crisis..

Donovan Big Hands Funds Flow Computational Oscillator

Donovan's Funds Flow Analysis Index Oscillator:
-10 ----- 0 ------+10
Donovan's Funds Flow Analysis Strength-Index Scale Key:
negative (-ve) = shorting;
positive (+ve) = longing;
0: No shorts and no longs (direction-less)
1-2: Weak strength / weak holdings
3-4: Moderate strength / moderate holdings
5-6: Strong strength / high holdings
7-8:Very strong strength / very high holdings
9-10:: Rally Mode in store if +ve / Plunging Mode in store if -ve

Implication of Broad Markets/Big Markets/Big Wind Indices Directions
If it is a rising tide in Index Big Wind, most or almost all stock boats generally rise;
If it is a receding tide in Index Big Wind, most or almost all stock boats generally go lower.
Hence the importance of Big Wind Directions walked by Big Hands.

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