Friday 1 February 2013

Funds Flow Analysis (FFA): 1 February 2013, Friday , 4.20 pm Singapore Time

Current Latest Computed Funds Flow Analysis (FFA) 

For Worldwide Financial Markets:
1 February 2013, Friday , 4.20 pm Singapore Time

Broad Markets / Big Markets / Big Wind Directions

As anticipated previously, there will be a powerful rally.

European markets are 40 minutes away from opening, while US markets are 6 hours 10 minutes away from the Friday opening bell. 

Based on current latest computational results, Holdings Index Strength of Big Hands changed from +4.727 to +3.363  in strength on the Donovan Funds Flow Index OscillatorBig Hands' Calls holdings changed from +1.633 to +1.437 in strength on the Donovan Funds Flow Index Oscillator. 

Broad/Big Market (Big Wind Direction) Short-Term Posture by Big Hands:

+ Short term was a swing back to neutral 4 days ago and a powerful swing to longs/buys since 3 days ago.
+ Shake-out operation against short term longing/buying retailers is completing.
+ Worldwide markets set to resume powerful bull run in the immediate and short term.
+ Bias is towards a rally worldwide.
+ This short term upmove will coincide with a mid-term and long-term bull market.

Broad/Big Market (Big Wind Direction) Mid-Term Outlook by Big Hands:

+ Mid-long-term remains a buy on dip in 2013 as markets in Europe and Asia have negated bear market technical structures as mentioned last year 2012. 
+ Long term funds are still buying/investing.
+ Short term and immediate term shorts/sells/profit-takings by traders represent entry/re-entry opportunities for longer term investors (i.e. buy on retracement dips).
+ Short term shake-outs on weak holders, or retailers with high leverage and no holding power, represent golden chance to buy on dips cheaply. 
+ As highlighted previously, by 2Q/3Q 2013, many markets (except PIIGS) will make new bull market highs since 2009 financial crisis..

Donovan Big Hands Funds Flow Computational Oscillator

Donovan's Funds Flow Analysis Index Oscillator:
-10 ----- 0 ------+10
Donovan's Funds Flow Analysis Strength-Index Scale Key:
negative (-ve) = shorting;
positive (+ve) = longing;
0: No shorts and no longs (direction-less)
1-2: Weak strength / weak holdings
3-4: Moderate strength / moderate holdings
5-6: Strong strength / high holdings
7-8:Very strong strength / very high holdings
9-10:: Rally Mode in store if +ve / Plunging Mode in store if -ve

Implication of Broad Markets/Big Markets/Big Wind Indices Directions
If it is a rising tide in Index Big Wind, most or almost all boats generally rise;
If it is a receding tide in Index Big Wind, most or almost all boats generally go lower.
Hence the importance of Big Wind Directions walked by Big Hands.

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