Saturday 24 November 2012

German DAX Index: 24 November 2012, Saturday, 12.40pm Singapore Time

German DAX Index: 24 November 2012, Saturday, 12.40pm Singapore Time

Attached is the Technical Analysis of German DAX Index. 

Based on the Funds Flow Analysis of the world, Big Hands abruptly and sharply reversed into huge amount of LONGS positions now, and have maintained their MAXIMUM amount of CALLs derivatives on hand. Based on current FFA, bearing no sharp change to shorts, the German DAX index will break the PINK RESISTANCE band of 7428-7600points as illustrated above. The PINK resistance band will not hold. 

The projected Price Satisfaction of the above DAX structure means that DAX will hit 8425 points, breaking the new bull market high, before retracing down.

DAX will hence break new bull market highs since the US Financial Crisis and the EU Crisis, a time when the whole world are bearish of the financial markets and spring a surprise with a year end rally, wiping out retailer shortists who have taken shorts positions now.

More than 1000points DAX.

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