Thursday 23 August 2012

Funds Flow Analysis (FFA): 23 August 2012, Thursday, 4.15pm Singapore Time

Latest Computed Funds Flow Analysis (FFA): 23 August 2012, Thursday, 4.15pm Singapore Time

Inflexion (Turning) Point Reached For Most Stocks and Inflexion Point approaching for World Indices in August 2012 for Final Re-Distribution (Bearish)

As of current latest, Holdings index strength of Big Hands reduced again from +6.920 to +6.232 on the Donovan Funds Flow Index Oscillator, with the confirmation-probing as highlighted previously attempting a double confirmation for Bear Market Resumption; Big Hands' Calls Holdings reduced from +0.812 to +0.752 on the Donovan Funds Flow Index Oscillator Scale. 

Market at/nearing Inflexion Point for resumption of downwards movement as highlighted previously (In essence, limited upside with high downside now).

There is a high downside potential to be targeted and realised by the market. Firstly, from +10.0 to +0.0, an unload of contracts and stocks all the way to neutral zero; secondly, further selling down from +0.0 all the down to a potential -10.0 as a subsequent follow-up. 

In addition, the Donovan Big Hands Probing Hypothesis as illustrated 2 weeks ago has so far given the Bear Market Confirmation although market had successfully classical conditioned majority of market participants to see market strength which is essentially fake strength.

Meanwhile, Donovan Broad Market Short Term Shorting Intention (40days look-back window), Donovan-BMSTSI (40), changed from strength index 45.00% to 35.00% (Computation Completed: 23 August 2012, 8.00pm Singapore Time). 

Be cautious of the market, do not long or buy, especially for Blue Chips, Big Caps, Main Liner Stocks and Mid Cap Stocks, as BMSTSI immediate shorts are back, and Donovan Funds Flow Index Oscillator had hit reversal/inflexion point earlier. 

Attached below is the Singapore Straits Times Index Technical Analysis posted last week. For those who still do not know what is happening, market technical rebound was approaching its end as previously highlighted:
Chart of Straits Times Index of 15 Aug 2012

Overall Market Rating: 
Sideline from the markets whenever unsure. Advisable not to go long at all. Rather be safe than be sorry. Long/Buy/Invest wrongly and the market is likely to punish one harshly, especially since inflexion points are triggering. Shortists will not be punished. Olympics has just ended and is likely to follow the past traditions of sell-down resumption right after Olympics.

Donovan Big Hands Funds Flow Computational Oscillator

Donovan's Funds Flow Analysis Index Oscillator:
-10 ----- 0 ------+10
Donovan's Funds Flow Analysis Strength-Index Scale Key:
negative (-ve) = shorting;
positive (+ve) = longing;
0: No shorts and no longs (direction-less)
1-2: Weak strength / weak holdings
3-4: Moderate strength / moderate holdings
5-6: Strong strength / high holdings
7-8:Very strong strength / very high holdings
9-10:: Rally Mode in store / Plunging Mode in store

Donovan's Daily Broad Market Short Term Shorting Intention (BMSTSI) Oscillator:
0% -----20-----50-----80-----100%
Donovan's Daily Broad Market Short Term Shorting Intention (BMSTSI) Index Scale Key:
0 to 10: Negligible Broad Market Shorting Activity Today
10 to 20: Very Weak Broad Market Shorting Activity Today
20 to 40: Weak Broad Market Shorting Activity Today
40 to 60: Moderate Broad Market Shorting Activity Today
60 to 80: Strong Broad Market Shorting Activity Today
80 to 90: Very Strong Broad Market Shorting Activity Today
90 to 100: Full or Best Effort Broad Market Shorting Activity Today


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